Thursday, February 26, 2009


I finally took out the trucks I got from Oz, got them fitted with wheels, and now.. My ride.. She beautiful.. So Awesome. So Manifique.

By the way. this is a baulken lynx. And it's endangered, they say there's
about 50-100 left in the wild. Look it up, go see it if you ever take a holiday.
before it goes away.

Rain Pain Go Awry, Come And Sigh Another Day

Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock
- John Barrymore(1882 - 1942)

It's not december.Pls Stop raining.

So, the holidays are finally here. Altho I dont feel like its here yet. But thats Ok, I'll get used to it. Oh, and kids lie alot nowadays. Well, most do anywhere. It's horrible. I remember when i was a kid I use to make up the most realistic(Or so I thought) excuses so I could go out after school and head to town to buy some lego. Then I got older (read: lazier) and realized that lying takes too much out of me. To have to mantain the lie, cover it up and keep it at (Take K = Constant) K .It was too tiring. And too taxing. I would rather spend that grey matter on things on importance, like what to eat, or the button sequence to the bank vault(should I ever get the chance) instead of spending it trying to remember where I was supposedly at last monday instead of being at school.No? Yes?


Anyway, here's a voting box. And "The generator to hook to the music player to make us all feel better"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

And Then Whisper Like A Mouse.

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
Dorothy Parker (1893 - 1967)
Apparently, it just kills the household pet.

Well.It's raining, the room is all dark and gloomy like an excerpt from Edward Scissorhands and I'm having a mild headache from the lack of caffeine. And somehow, I like it.

Anyway, I've always seen this, never this obvious till yesterday. You know how friends know friends and so on and so forth. In the end, everyone of this generation knows everyone, be it your immediate friend, or a 8-tiered relationship where they're but a friend of a friend of a friend. Which is good, but also bad, cause it's like reality facebook. How so? Go figure.

And Tumblr is really fun. Updating just a picture or quote a day is rather interesting. and bloody easy. haha

people have been asking me the "What you gonna do after poly and Ns?" question alot lately. Here's my answer

Friday, February 20, 2009

A doppleganger you say?

So one exam is over, and one more to go. joyy! And I havent posted random picture post for the month! noo.

And there is this downside to blogging.I keep forgetting what I want to ramble about.I had like 800 things to say that day. and now i have none. Crud.

Anyway, here's the drawing of the day. Same title as the previous one.

Thanks For The Tags:

Rooshdee: And Batman.. Is..ME! haha!

Daniel: No. You think you win.THINK. Ahh.

Glenn:who isn't. Haha

Chrislynn:So awesome. I want! as in the laid backness. And have you been to the tall tower with a needle?

Wolfgang: Why thank you.I know i am.haha

Liana: So I've been hearing.But no it isnt me. haha. so sad right? :P

Daniel: I knoww.:D


Amber: Not really.But its really good media wise.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Yay! I'm finally gone about doing my Tumblr account up since I signed up for it last month. So now I have 2 functioning blogs. Don't ask me the difference, but tumblr sure lets you post videos and pics and music all alot easier. So I can assume this shall be my ramble blog, while that is for my pics and music and videos that I find on the whim. I guess. *grin* It's still called ramblegalore tho. and the link's in my sidebar.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good Job, Brown Joe.

"I think we all fear it. That’s part of the package actually. It wouldn’t be worth as much if we didn’t fear it. Here are my thoughts on why.

Sometimes, love is intoxicating. Sometimes it winds around inside you, filling up every vacant space you have until it actually becomes the only thing keeping you from breaking into a million tiny pieces. It gets into your veins and does things to you that no drug in the world could ever mimic. It makes things taste and feel and smells different.

But then sometimes love takes. It takes and takes and takes until you are weak and pale and starving to death. Sometimes it makes you want to scream obscenities into that great black hole of a sky, scream until you run out of both words and breath.

It ruins. It creates. It satisfies. It persuades. It ignores. It defines.

And sometimes I think it steals things from you when you are not looking. I find it is always changing, shifting constantly from one shape to another so that you don’t always recognize it when it’s there. And then sometimes, softly and secretly and in the middle of the night, it disappears completely, vanishing without even so much as a goodbye note taped to the bathroom mirror.

Sometimes love wrestles you to the ground and sometimes it carries you through the most devastating storms. I think it is flawed and imperfect and entirely too powerful. Sometimes love makes me angry. And trapped. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes the hurt is good. Sometimes it is the hero and sometimes the villain and sometimes it is only an innocent bystander. It is often unrequited and sometimes incomplete. There are times when it aches. Times when the ache is so deep you can’t find it until you sit absolutely still in a dark room. I think love is beautifully irrational, and painfully tender, and sometimes when it catches you with your walls down…completely and perfectly liberating."

by Karla Paez-

So beautiful, the wordmanship

Monday, February 16, 2009

Have you ever been drained? No? Guttered? No? Sewered?

"I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us. If the book we are reading doesn’t wake us up with a blow on the head, what are we reading it for? We need the books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us."— Franz Kafka (via unicornology)(via finallyseeing) (via lavenderlines)

I have just realized that a comedian's job is very simple.You go on stage, share your experiences, and your views on issues. In a lighthearted way. I would say something funny to accompany that, but my brain is on snooze. Anyway, Hz put up "Ways to destroy earth" on his blog. looks pretty complicated. I think we should all just leave our blenders on. Eventually, something will spoil, something will fly, someone will die, and the blender comapnies get sued. then they recall all blenders as it is deemed to dangerous, and gives them a safer substitute. But we as men, we dont want safe substitutes, we want sharp manly things that can cut, shear and do just about anything except lay an egg. So thus chaos ensues, and in the turmoil, go to the north pole, build a big igloo, call it your palace, and rule the peaceful melting ice bergs. See the point? In a world of anarchy, he who rules the peace rules the world. Heh

Anyway. I finally got a doodle up. didnt have my laptop with me, so it isnt digitally remastered.
The title is "they thought three was enough".well.they were OBVOIUSLY WRONG.

Friday, February 13, 2009


"Indeed" My father observed with a laugh, 'Achilles himself could not have answered more in the ancient spirit.But tell me, my son, how will Achilles of Old fare in our modern era's corrupt and inglorious affrays?"
"He will elevate them, Father, by his virtue and by the purity of his purpose.And where he stands, even in this degraded latter day, shall be a noble world and uncorrupted"

-Alexander, The Virtues Of War

Z.O.M.G. You can prepare as much as you want for it, but dopamine withdrawal is the most buummed up thing you can ever get. It's like a world without caffeine. Hopeless. Desolate. Ok, maybe thats a notch to exaggerated. But still.

Anyway, on a I-will-try-not-to-talk-in-first-person-mode point of view, I have realized that the world and all its technological advancement has stolen glory from us. Back in the day, war with spears and swords WERE ALL THE RAGE. And it must've been bloody scary. and totally awesome. You see, strategy wise, war was like a play, there were feints and bluffs, attacks and withdrawals, and even a main character and a supporting cast. When they fight, wounds were like medallions, and like medallions, it was meant to be worn in the front. It was, without a doubt, grusome. But there was honor. There was a cause, to defend home and hearth. That was the goal. To gain glory. that was the goal. Now there is only defense to not be subjugated.How very unmotivated.

On a sidenote, I realize I'm having more rambles then pictures. Oh NO!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Batman The Brave And The Bold

Cheesy lines, retro music ,new hero lineups and a new revamped batmobile with red leather interior and exterior with an awesome 70s feel. Thats not Batman, it's Badman!
I Am So Hooked.

A Load And A Stab. KABOOM!

"If I wake up in the morning and I don’t want to get you a coffee or if I don’t see you for a week and I don’t want to go figure out something to FedEx you, then we’ve got a problem. You can fake the words I miss you, but you can’t fake getting someone a book." - John Mayer

I remember that in secondary school, I was often told that I was an old man in a young shell. Today I went to the docs and now I've got one of them old man ailments to prove it. haha

Anyway, I got a new one liner so I better start working on it. Daniel is getting scarily good at photoshop, and I was thinking of a list of things to do before 20. you know, one of those similiar to the bucket list sort of things. Maybe I shall come up with one. Hmm.

And here's a list of 7 groups of people you'll find in Starbucks.
Click here for Infinite Knowledge

Till then, here's an innuendo filled children's show. Its hilarious,Yet you'll feel filthy after watching it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Celebrity Laden Post

"If an optimist had his left arm chewed off by an alligator, he might say, in a pleasant and hopeful voice, “Well, this isn’t too bad. I don’t have my left arm anymore, but at least nobody will ever ask me whether I am right-handed or left-handed,” but most of us would say something more along the lines of “Aaaaah! My arm! My arm!" - Lemony Snicket

I think I've downed enough caffeinated products this week to down a hippo. And not just an ordinary hippo. A hungry hippo. 0.o Dum Dum Dum

Anyway, here's a post on beauty. When One thinks beauty, one naturally thinks women, and when when one naturally thinks beauty in women, one thinks something like this

Or this.
But what about men. Why isnt there a definition for beauty/ or in this case, suaveness for men? Sure the norms are always named like Johnny Depp. Thats one, But what is the defining image of suaveness? I think its this

or this

or this.
Thus Johnny Depp. Haha


Monday, February 9, 2009

Lark Mark Dark Fark Shark Bark Swak

Peanut butter, motherfucker

"We all have the potential to fall in love a thousand times in our lifetime. It’s easy. The first girl I ever loved was someone I knew in sixth grade. Her name was Missy; we talked about horses. The last girl I love will be someone I haven’t even met yet, probably. They all count. But there are certain people you love who do something else; they define how you classify what love is supposed to feel like. These are the most important people in your life, and you’ll meet maybe four or five of these people over the span of 80 years. But there’s still one more tier to all this; there is always one person you love who becomes that definition. It usually happens retrospectively, but it happens eventually. This is the person who unknowingly sets the template for what you will always love about other people, even if some of these loveable qualities are self-destructive and unreasonable. The person who defines your understanding of love is not inherently different than anyone else, and they’re often just the person you happen to meet the first time you really, really, want to love someone. But that person still wins. They win, and you lose. Because for the rest of your life, they will control how you feel about everyone else."
— Chuck Klosterman (via unicornology) (via capricious) (via sleepanddream) (via jennyjennjen)

It's ironic how you lose in order not to lose.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sorry For the Slow Blog Week

"You’re a unique individual. However, your troubles are universal. Flights are delayed, pets pass away, and people get dumped. (Ugh those things suck so hard; thinking about them makes me teary.) Life is not fair, you know this, and everybody feels it. That being said, rest assured that your personal pain is no more painful than that of the person next door. We’re all in this together. We’ll help each other when we can and we’ll suck it up when we have to. We’re equals, peers, lucky enough to be part of a community.

Today remind yourself: I’m special, but I don’t expect special treatment."
-(via unicornology)(via playnice)

I'm special. But I dont expect special treatment. although occasionally would be good. like how i make someone's day, i wake up everyday hoping someone will make mine. haha. so corny. but true.

Sorry for the slow blog week.I've been so caught up between the hospital and home it exhausts you to a point of not wanting to do anything else anymore.Cruddity Boppity Bop. Its times like these when you thank God for your mates. But in OTHER NEWS, SCHOOL ENDS IN A WEEK! or classes ends in a week, its 3 more weeks till school ends. But ah well.And I need to buy a book and start reading again.

Thanks for the tags:

Dan: you're be called Daniel The Flannel.

Amber: I concur!

Stranger: Uh, my blog is an ISFP. While i'm a INFP. so I don't know if thats good or bad. Or does it even count, cause rooshdee says it's rigged.haha

Td: I'm gonna smack you. then I'm gonna tie you up and use you to ollie. Uh. like, skate. hahaha

Tpt: he isn't lame la. he is just..humourly challenged.

Glenn: 19.

Ben: Hey Ben! how's life?

Chrislynn: So it's like a university with a longboarding community. SOoo ccooll. I found a couple of the songs..nice! I'm looking for the rest now.thank youu.:D

Ms N: Shh. Dont let the secret out la. haha :p suggestions for drawings?

Nat: I like it too:D Eh quick finish whatever you gotta do, lets go. you know. that. with 4 people . and loud speakers. then after that, thattt thing with 2 people and the park? HAHA. does it sound mysterious enough?

Nick: o.o o.o o.o HAHA. YOU"RE TAGGING! AWESOME! haha. hello.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


"We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living but not a life. We’ve added years to life, not life to years. "
— George Carlin (via unicornology) (via kari-shma) (via babybitch) (via soupsoup) (via buyhercandy)

Anyway, I drew Newton Faulkner while trying to do my stupid article.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Star Spangled Underpants Of Life Giving Properties.

"Alice came to the fork in the road.
“Which road do I take?” she asked.
“Where do you want to go?” responded the Cheshire cat.
“I don’t know,” Alice answered.
“Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter.

— Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
( via unicornology) (via
jessicachu) (via sailingonthesea)

I AM SO BORED RIGHT NOW. But I am just saying that in capslock to prove my point. I have work to do, but I'm letting my procrastinating jeans/genes kick in, so I'm sitting here, thinking of food, and getting absolutely nothing done except using the oxygen up in my room.

Achievement Unlocked: Time Waster.

Anyway, people say that the friends you hang with can tell others what sort of person you are. And your social circle is like your superheroes team. You've got your dark brooding batman, every righteous pain in the bum superman, and green lantern with his nifty gadgets. Of course there's also the looker, wonder woman.Ahwooga. So what superhero are you?

And I found out the (rather glaring) difference between design and art. Design is you being paid to make something eye catching but simple enough for the masses to appreciate. Art is not getting paid to tell the world " f*ck you. I think this is nice, and you'll like it" I like art.

Achievement Unlocked: Finished Post.

Thanks for the Tags:


Chrislynn: Coool. Uni. Thats fast eh? ahah. Long boarding! I heard going down hills on those things are extremely fun. Have you tried it?

Rev: Ah, complicated is simple in a difficult way. haha

Tpt:Even if you could discuss, Like you would like that. :P

Glenn: You're my age tmr. you sure you wanna be saying that? AHAH

Daniel: No, I should be asking you for one. can go hong kong all. tisk.

Td: Nice song, like meeeeee??? hahahaha