Monday, November 30, 2009


I've been thinking about shutting this blog down. I like this blog, and ramblegalore has really stuck, the name and all. But this blog was for my doodles and rambles, none of which are present as of late. Rambles are present, but of a standard I shouldn't be proud of. So till I find out a reason on why the think tank is dry, this blog is on a hiatus. I'm on a hiatus.

On another note, I really wanna go to Sydney right now and skate the Bondi bowl till I feel like coming back.

Thanks For The Tags:

Liana : wah, wise beyond your years. and you know what, you sound like a tutor. I think it's all that work at the centre. haha. yes teacher.

Tabitha: Then how? cry? call police?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Middle Ages

So. I think that this day and age is pretty much, to an ugly degree, like the dark middle ages. We all look back and go, oh how lucky we are. But back then, i'm sure they were looking at themselves and going "well, this isn't so bad". "Why?" is the shout back I hear upon this statement, and this is why.

Rampant Disease - Back then hygiene was an issue. Now it isnt so much. But still, there are diseases. Back then, there was the black plague, there was small pox, there was leprosy and the list goes on. It was common occurence to have a sickness of some kind. Now, we have cancer, aids, bird flu, swine flu, macdonalds and the list goes on.

Plunder - Back then, to plunder would be to sack, to take by force a persons/ villages belongings. To plunder a village would be to strip it of its value. Now, we're a tad more advanced. People plunder their companies with forgery, fraud, etc. Then there is Iraq.

Sports - Back then, there were knights. Now there are skateboarders. Duh. Did you really think 22 people fighting over a ball would win a ladies heart? And dont start with Cristiano Ronaldo. The guy is pretty nifty with the ball. on his own. see? solo.

Sex and debauchery - Back then, them kings really loved all those ladies. Now, it varies, but the sex and debauchery is still there.

And those are just afew. Of course, the list goes on.

But I'm abit tired of the keyboard.

Later Gator

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lemme tell you what you've guess.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Monotony be the Mother Of Creativity

Everyone is suddenly realizing something or another.

How life works, or how the term life and how it works is overrated, or how old they are, or how mundane things be, or how depressed they are with the way things are turning out.

I got to find something for me to realize.

I know. The lady at the comic shop is a grumpy b*tch. No wait. Everyone knew that. Gotta rethink it..

And I just replied a mass sent email in facebook, and for 10 seconds, I was in cold sweat, thinking I sent it out to all 1000+ members. I'm still not sure. I hope not.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Hand That Crossed Me

So I wanted to blog yesterday, but blogger had other plans, for example, not signing in. For example, raising my blood pressure. For example, Ok I think you've had enough examples.

Anyway, they were asking at work yestderday is Torres ready for soccer. And then on the way home, I saw this extremely plump guy in a torres jersey. And the answer came to me. No. Ok, maybe it's not that funny, but bad soccer jokes are amusing. and me getting them, even more amusing.

I got an email from the dumbass comic shop I get my subscrips from saying I havent collected my comics and if I dont, my membership is forfeit. They are rather cheap. It's only been a month, or two. And I paid for my membership. Even if you hold it till i'm done with army, you better just shut it and suck it. I need a new comic shop to go to.

Lastly, I use to post up funny pictures once a month. Dont do that anymore, but what I do have is a shitload of funny pictures in my file for them. So I'll post some up within the next few days.

Later Gator