Monday, March 23, 2009

A Literary Bit

So we got the electives today. I got sports journ and radio journ, which is extremely retarded, cause I didnt even pick journalism in my choices. ITS LIKE JOURNALISM IS STALKING ME!
And shredding today wasn't great, spent half the time changing my new bearings back to the old bearings cause the new ones were bleeding oil, and then I couldn't jump. Anyway, I was rhyming like dr suess on the way home, dont ask me why, so I got a little bit of literature going.

The butterflies in my stomach
Are a strange force indeed
It beats wine, food, drugs, or weed.
It gives me a stokeness that drives one insane,
And its overwhelming energy resonates in my brain.

What causes these energies,
You might wonder and ask,
That is what I wish to find out,
That is my task.

Snore. Ok. Time to go have some coffee. Mmmm.

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