Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Day For All

Have A Day to Rest your laurels,
Have a day to say Hooray,

Have a day to hunt for fossils,
Have a day to just think about a day.

For all these days are part of your life,
be they big or small, or foolish or wise.

They all add up to one lump sum,
which makes you up, worker or bum.

And when you reach that check-out counter
to the tunnel of the light,

You must going with joy and glee and no regrets,
And say "Boy, its been one adventurous day"

Can't draw the one liner yet. I'm deciding between a dog and birds.. I'm kinda going to the birds side, but its not child friendly. No, not in an obscene way. But I'll get back to you with my decision, in drawing.

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