Monday, May 5, 2008

Morning Flurry

I have reached a whole new high on work dodging.And despite how it is not normally something to be proud off.I can safely say, I'm loving it.

So this weekend has been really hectic, and lack of sleep and extremely fun.And next week I've got like 4 different tests and the week after 854608 deadlines. And I'm nearly halfway of nowhere. How challenging.

Anywayy, I think learning a foreign language is pretty gnarly. But you dont have to learn the whole package.All ya got to learn is 5 very crucial things

1.Where is the toilet
2.Where is the nearest Grub stand
3.What is your telephone number
4.I couldn't read "the do not press big red button" sign
5.I didnt mean to clobber your face, I just got really excited when I saw the SALE sign.I'm singaporean see?

These 5 things known, will be able to let you have a ball of a time absolutely anywhere.

Picture of the day: Chuck in France.

Song On itune: Masterplan

Random Thought: Nothing Random

Thanks For The Tags:

Tab Koh : yea. I've watched it.pretty cool, and the acting was good.haha

Ver: Heyy.Why thank you:D I have my moments.HAHA. And your link is there laa.
Stranger: of the 5 must learns ;)

Glenn: Boom Goes The Weasel.Small tiny itty bitty bits.

Tab Randall: you dont say holler and then roar.It doesnt make sense. IT DOESNT! it causes imbalance to the very concise infratstructure of organisms of logic known to men in nature.HAHA.

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