Thursday, August 7, 2008

ABC's Of Skateboarding

Ok.Its raining like someone just did the plumbing outside. and skating is an outside sport.So if you take alot of rain outside+ outside sport = Mark staying the fug inside doing newswriting designs.WHYYY. But , before I stop procrastinating, I thought I'd do it abit longer. I got a quiz to do by keenan, But that will be in the next post(at the rate i'm going, tmr) So yeah.Today,we talk about the ABC's of skateboarding.Or try least.

A - Airtime. Its like flying.only better
B - Barcelona. Number one Street Skating State in the world
C - Cuts.DEEP BLOODY CUTS.Think love bites from the pavement,ledge, whatever
D - Dangerous.Have you even SEEN the mega ramp? It screams "Requires weed to ride"
E - Euphoria. Its like airtime plus staying on the board equals Euphoria.
F - Fallen. The best footwear ever. OR F*ck. First word before giving the pavement some love.
G - Godgiven. It is a gift from the gods.
H - High.Refer to D.
I - Basically, I is an essential component to boarding. without u(I) there is no boarding.
J - Junior. See Riley hawk? Tony Hawks son? Damn
K - Kickflip.I can't seem to get it.
L - Luck. The lil difference between landing the trick and going down five storeys.
M - Monster.You'll eat like one when you're done shredding
N - New york. Look the skate spots there. *weep* and starbucks.*WEEP*
O - Ollie.Simplest trick in the book.But
P - Plan B. One of the two best deck brands in my book. Or Pat Duffy.Legend.
Q - Queues.Try cutting one on your board. It'll be like moses and the red sea.
R - Ramps. I'm gonna try those when I got me bigger nuts.
S - Shweet. Need I say more?
T - Twinkies. Sugar rush in a golden packet
U - U.better get out of my way.heh
V - Vhat? Stop skating Thru ze buz inzterchange? Sorry, I speak no good english.
W - Wallride. *grin*
X - X-games. Duuudddee.
Y - Young.I wish I had started then.You should.
Z - Zoo York. I'm biased. But they are the bestt.

Ok.newswriting time.Snore.

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