So tumblr has gone minimal on me again. I should just quit blogging altogether.
Anyway, since I can't post pics or distract you(the reader) with fonts and colors. I will have to have a good post. So today I will talk about 10 ways to live happy. Or wealthy, in the head. or something. but you get it.
People often deprive themselves of sleep. not all the time, but often. because they feel guilty sleeping in That should be abolished. There is nothing wrong with sleeping in as long as you utilize the day still. I sleep till a healthy hour of 1 in the afternoon everyday, but yeat I get my full day's worth because I've never been built for mornings, so I sleep at 4 or 5 in the morning.
2.Go Slow.
Often, I see people chug by like a land shark is on their ass. I'm guilty of that myself too. But everytime I catch myself walking at a speed which makes a snail seem like it's stationary, I slow down. Take in the sights, the smells, the sounds, and the feeling of the wind on your face. it makes things slower, and more relaxing
3.Enjoy waking up.
Sure, I dont get up early, but when I do, the first thing I want to do is turn the computer on and just do anything I can with a cup of coffee beside me. Nothing beats the smell of coffee in the morning. Plus it has been proven to help relieve stress. So find something you can wake up to. perhaps a gallop on a unicorn, if anyone in your neighbourhood owns one.
4.Tell the truth.
Sounds simple. It's not. I was talking about it on my tumblr that day. It is the hardest thing to do, to be honest with people. And people dont appreciate it. even if you lay it out nicely, the truth is thr truth and the truth may be ugly. so be prepared to feel soddy for the rest of the day. However, once you get used to that feeling, you understand it beats lying and keeping up with your lies. and in the long- run, many will see you meant no harm in your opinions. It was brutal honesty. It was respect.
5.Beat Mediocrity
In this day and age, excellence is only sought after on paper. Anything else, and mediocre does it. Singlish is a blatant sign of this. Convenience is too. As things get easier to do, people get lazier, and the bare minimum becomes the only bar required. Beat that. Be excellent in all you do. Be it your sports, your relationship, your art work. Give it everything. and when you lay there, bowled over by fatigue, there will not be regret, but contentment. as no matter how imperfect it turned out. It was born of excellence
6.Be polite
Being polite is anarchy in this day and age. People are rude. Being cool means being food is rude, because its an insult to food. people are rude, in their rush to go places. Rude is the new way. Rudeness was once brought about to rebel against etiquette, and now it has become the norm. Being polite beats that. being polite takes time. Takes effort. It is rebellion in the form of the 21st century. There is no other way to go. Plus the joy of making someone's day after he/she has faced a whole day of rudeness, will always bring a smile to one.
7.Have a reason to live.
People often underestimate this point. Take a look at Danny Way. Professional skateboarder. Does vert ramps. Smashed his knees nine times. When you tell people, I think my passion is the most important thing in my life. you often hear people laugh. Its understandable because no one gets it till they try it. Danny way is one of the few who gets is. This could be called drive, or love, or whatever you call it. but I'm sure everyone can find one of this. and the day you do, be it accidental or after a hard search, things will make sense and the meaning of life ceases to be 42.
The reason I'm so good at being spontaneous is because I suck at balancing. not only in life, but in principle of accounts class, I never balanced a balance sheet in all 3 years. Sure putting everything you have into something at once and change it the moment you need change is good, but balance is better. It's like a wooden house. You gotta mantain all four sides of the house. if you just concentrate on one wall, the other three walls will rot with the rain, and it'll collapse, leaving you to rebuild.
Change stinks. Sure the only thing constant in life is change. But take that theory and shove it. all you got to do is be prepared. and gradual change in a right direction is not all bad. But as all we literate people know, it hardly does that. sometimes its fast, and often bad.If so, just roll with it. find something joyous in life. Unless you live in a DHL box, if not there would always be something good going on somewhere.
Hope is good. Hope came out of pandora's box with everything else. But if it was locked in at first, then without everything bad, I assume hope was really needed. There are many things we hope for in life.good grades, good job, the works. But hope puts us in the future, and lets us dwell on past dissappointments, Hope should be taken away where possible. with no hope, there is no dissapointment. with no hope, no wait. With no hope we can focus on enjoying this very minute. this very day. without wasting our afternoon away, hoping.