Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Believe I can Fly

So 15 hours ago, I said I'll post. And I am going to. I can't post pictures however, so I'll bore you with the likes of me and deciding whether I should stick to my 8 inch deck or revert to a 7.8 one. decisions decisions.

Anyway, look what I found.

I get this question a lot, actually. Being a bigger guy just means you’ll have to work harder. Your center of gravity is a lot higher so you’ll fall easier, plus if you are heavier you’ll have to push and jump that much harder to move yourself around.

I think this comes over a year to late.Now if only they told me earlier, I'd have understood my innate liking for pavement dirt.It is all clear now. Anyway, ytd, in my bid to avoid some dumbass lady, my board wheels got caught on a curb. Now thats alright, cause I flew, as per normal. But the diff was I was facing a pillar.So in my attempt to turn to land on my back, and flying rather quickly, I smacked right into the middle of the pillar on my back, and slid to the ground. Like an action sequence. Now I'm saying this not to tell you how brave I am and how dull old ladies be, but if you ever have a movie with a demanding action sequence, and you need big guys who have to work harder with skateboarding. Pls. I'm right here.

In other news, I had something I wanted to ramble about yesterday. But I forgot. Something about something.Crud. Oh well. I'll blog again when I remember.

Oh oh. and I know its long overdue. But I'll start replying tags again.promise. It's just a hassle to have to refer half the time, so I conveniently forget.

And look at the date. 9/9/09. haha

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