Tuesday, March 18, 2008

E is for Euphoria, Elvis and Echindas

"Beautiful Catastrophe someone once called it" thats the beginning line for the show New Amsterdam. Looks promising, so I shall continue to watch beyond the first line.

Anyway, today I wish to talk about the sith.For star war fans,siths are well, you know who they are.For those who aren't star war fans, siths are the baddies, the darth mauls with their double bladed sabers and the darth vaders that have radios pasted to their chest.I swear, his chest is like a radio,telephone and tissue dispenser all in one."Luke*pfff* I am your*pfff* hold on, call coming in"So anyway, it just hit me, but that day at escape(scroll back a couple of a couple of posts) I was telling Ben how I do get violent tendencies but I dont blow up, I keep it all, and well, what I mean is when I am riled, I say nasty stuff that often utterly obliterates the relationship, so dont hope to see the day I'm riled. and he said " well, what did george lucas say..uhm..Only the sith deal in extremes" well, from a star wars fan point of view aka mine, its so sad he can recall that line when I cant.But then If you look at it, what is wrong with being a sith. better fashion sense(all black) nice lightsabers(no gay color like pink) cooler powers( when did you see luke skywalker use lightning) and they have lackeys( would you want to get your own coffee?)
Anyway on a less star warzy note, i think everyone should act like a sith. deal in extremes. When you play, play your hardest. when you work, well, dont. when you have a passion , put everything youu have in it. I mean whats the point of holding back that lil bit when going all the way is so much more fun?

Picture of the day.well.siths ARE cooler. the second one is a bonus as I missed a pic in the last post.:D

Random thought: We all live in a yellow submarine

Song on itune: Bicycle song

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