Thursday, March 27, 2008


So the month is ending, my shoes are dying, I still cant ollie properly and the hols are going to be over. Oh how I weep.

Anyway, to my previous entries about snakes, some catholics had some issues with it. But let me state my stand. The snakes didnt choose to be evil, it is the people who saw it, people who couldnt understand why it was crawling on its belly and had no limbs, and thus thought it was demonic. After all, dont we attribute everything that we dont know but scares us as evil.Then again, I like evil. evil people are innovative, while good guys..they put the B in boring.

And I dont really feel like blogging today, so forgive me for the lack of substance in this post. nothing much to rant about, but I cant let my blog die, so here I am. I've posted a couple of extra pictures as an extra tho.

Drawing of the day Psychedelic colors.

And the bottom picture is to this question. How did blackmail come about.Did people send black envelopes when they had dirt on other people. thus Black Mail. *shrugs* Random thought : who wants to be my shoe sponsor?

Song on itune: My,My,My

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