Thursday, April 3, 2008


Ok.I once swore not to play online games cause its where only people with nothing better to do do. Now maybe I said that cause I was using dial up. sour grapes and all.But still. for the past few days I have been neglecting skating for that INFERNAL Cabal. i've clocked in at least 18 hours in the last 4 days..GAHH..the guiltiness killss..

Anyway. i did notice stuff while playing tho, like where the missing teen population has gone, how the star of david is overused and inserted into almost everything nowadays and how when you start to lose an argument, you drag the other parties parents,grandparents and 9 generations before that into the picture justtt to win. despicable people.
Back in my school, you start with the parents, you DIE! but heyy..during that time, playing computer was pretty new to us. Anyway, speaking about computers, mine hasnt been turned on since school ended. I better go check if she is still turn on-able. And Daniel is playing some very old jade empire game, that relic(the game and the person)

OH! And I got into the same class as Daniel and Melodie for Spanish and Daniel for literary baloney. I guess friday is the day to look forward to for all the more reasons now.

Anyway, I wanna talk abit about Guitar playing. 8 years ago, only the people with interests in music or were gifted played it, now tom, dick and jeremy all have guitars..FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS! to be in a band, to be cool, to carry the bloody case around town so you can floor me.. I mean, I know only a handful of people who play it like they care. Td, Eugene, Nick, they all play cause they want too, and not to carry the case around town.Trust me, I've seen Td's case. I do NOT wanna be caught dead carrying that work of art around town.:P end point is, perhaps its generalisation ,perhaps its not. But playing an instrument is like skateboarding. you should do it cause you love it, cause it isnt meant to be cool.

Pic of the day.Daniel with his JADE Empire fetish

Random Thought: flickering msn convos.

On itunes: Chelsea Dagger

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