Saturday, April 26, 2008

An Ocean In Your Bedroom

I'm Bushed.not the american sort of way.more like the tired to a point of "Someone run me into a wall so I can sleep" sort of way.

Anyway. I've come to realised over my second dinner today that second dinners are like second shots at life. I dont know about most people nowadays, but at night, my stomach goes into high gear and I need two to three dinners to kill the hunger pangs.Now second chances in life is a very broad term, but what I mean is like when you ladies go cut you hair when you break up, or when the kid who doesnt study manages to pass the crucial exam after last min cramming, or things like that.even up to those fall of nine storeys and survive sort.I mean, when I have my first dinner, its a rush rush thing. chomp chomp life, sometimes we just speeed thru it, wanting to reach this point or that point, and just missing everything else on the way. Then my second dinner is when I'm full enough to not be hungry, and I actually eat beef+veg+rice to savour the taste, not just eat veg and rice and leave all the beef for spam gobbling like during my first dinner.Life's like that too no? after you hit a snag, and just hit a wall before having to continue, it lets you stop to "digest" all you've been thru, and you kinda appreciate what you have had enough to learn to appreciate them more during the so called " second dinner" no? too abstract? HAHA

Picture of the day. uh. non existent.

Song On itune It means nothing

Thanks For the Tags

Hey you, you and you.HAHA! i'm sorry, i'm "run into the wall"tired.I will reply in my next post.:D

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