Monday, January 21, 2008

15 Men and A Dead Man's Chest

The weekends are over.Boo.

I'm feeling exceptionally happy today.And exceptionally tired. Dont know why, but what I do know is I got this radical triangle shaped pen which looked like..well..a triangle..

OK OK, so today the sky looked gorgeous. And I realize how gay that sounds, but I dont really care..and..andd..anddd....I need new topics to ramble about.Speaking of rambling, unlike Daniel, despite the two weeks of workload ahead,I will continue to update my posts.HA! take that!
I'm gonna be rambling about school probably, and how the upcoming holidays elate me, but the end of year 1 with T1-10 saddens me or something..But I shall only do it with accompanying artwork.Till then, it'll be same old same old with my drawings.

and I need more one liners. Daniel, suggest! Samantha(tee hee, full name),suggest! Felonie, Suggest! Ben,suggest! Genny, suggest! Tpt, suggest! Hao ,suggest! Glenn, suggest! Wei Qiang, suggest! Strangers, suggest!

You get the picture( I mean everyone, not just those above)

Anyway, art today is for Wq.Its long overdue.It's called " 15 men and a dead man's chest"
What does it mean? It means people in different positions of a same situation may react to stuff differently.Or if you can come up with something deeper, then that is what it means.:P

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