Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sloth Anonymous

I feel like a sloth today.A very irritable sloth.grr.

And the days events didnt really help.paid 3 dollars to go to town for an unproductive meeting for iac, and then it was all wet downstairs I could only board for 3 mins before I figured I had a higher chance of ice skating then boarding on that floor.

On a happier note, I like potluck.Open the fridge, dig out some remnant of last years rations ,and cook it to eat.As a wise man once said:" I was not a man born for this times of self indulgence,I was born a man of neccesity"

Well, the wise man was me.and I said that while sputtering cheese over dinner.HA!

OK.2 things for today.Today's picture is called "The alien ate my homework"(Wei Qiang's one liner). I think the standard is abit shabby, but I've got a million excuses to explain why that is so.AND 2nd-ly, I was reading transworld skate mag on the bus, and there are 9 tips on how to survive as a boarder with no money for all boarders out there (below).sooo Knock Yourself Out!:)

9 Ways to survive as a skateboarder with no money(short version, want the long one, get the mag yourself )
1.Couch Surf
(basically like going from one couch to the next, house to house)
2.Sell youself to science (You missed a great opportunity when they were testing out viagra)
3.Sell your product ( If you're sponsored(damn you) and you get free stuff, sell em)
4.Get a girlfriend ( they're not talking quality type, they're talking rich daddy, dull daughter types)
5.Casting calls ( see that Ovatine or horlick ad on tv with the kid boarding? imagine an adult version and go audition for it)
6.Borrow money( and dont pay back) Despicable.JUST TAKE IT.
7.under a dollar diet(its hard, but possible)
TIP: 5 in one candy trick. Get a big gulp cup, stuff it with candy, then fill 'er up.TADA! (bet the cashier will never see that one coming.)
8.Free samples( I personally think this is just sad)
9.Get a job(No...Seriously?)

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