Friday, February 8, 2008

Tom, Dick and Malnutrition

It seems the more depressed I am, the better I am at boarding.And therefore , today, I sucked donkey b**** on my board. I was just too DARN happy.

OK.As I have sneaked, todays entry is about valentines' day.Speaking of which, my random thought from my last entry has caused alot of commotion, and perhaps this MAY indeed lead to two more people crowding the streets on that hallowed day of roses and over priced soft toys.Perhaps.Perhaps. Anyway, I think( from people I've seen and people I know), that there are 3 main groups of people on valentines' day.The happy, the sad, the couldnt care less.
The happy, are couples. La la la la la, I love paying for 25 buck roses, just so you can throw them away next week.why? Cause I lurveeeee you jeep jeep.(Jeep is lian-glish for deep)

The sad.Well, Its those people who feel they havent found the right one, and when they walk on down the street, they see couples and they feel sad. To these people, I say hold on! one must have faith yes?" It is better to wait for a great love that may never be, then settle for a love that isn't great. " - Mark (1989 -)

The couldnt care less.I raise my hand in this cateogory( yes ladies, I am single*wink*).There are people in this world who feel they are tired of relationships(not me) OR they havent found the right one and just wont settle for less (maybe me) OR have a skateboard (ME!). These people see couples, say how sweet it is and move on. I personally think...oh wait.this whole post has the word "me" in every sentence..heh.

So thats all for Valentines day! ha!

WAIT! one more thing. Whichever one of the above, it dont matter.What matters is, valentines day is a day not only for couples but also for friends..So on that day, in the midst of doing what people do on valentines day, wish a friend Happy Valentines' Day

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!( 1 week in advance)

Picture of the day.its a one liner titled " there is method in this madness" . I think I made it clear enough:D

Random Thought: I need to get changed or I'll be late

On My itunes: Its off

Random Movie I Wanna Watch: Sweeney Todd

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