Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Jalopy A Day.

I have come to realise over the past year, that I am way more cheena then most of my chinese friends.and what makes it even a bigger blow is that I dont feel ashamed about it.

Right, so on a more english note, today I will rant about being cheated. Now me being me, well, i'm really happy being me, but I do feel that we(as a human collective) are being cheated of the wonders of life and the enjoyment of many things due to technology and shizz like that.Below is a list.

We are being cheated of:

the simple things in life( I heard plowing fields and growing padi has its merits)
being able to have meaningful conversations over coffee or laksa(Msn and sms's have ruined it)
Courtship(No more serenading the lady on the balcony.Its more I like you, you like me, lets go steady, how uninteresting)
a long boat ride to unknown lands with friends or relations(it's all rush rush rush, aeroplane rush, car rush)
animals( you can prepare to tell your kids " i saw a polar bear in the zoo, you see a polar bear in a book)
Knowledge( "who needs books with the internet, with the internet, I am KING!" right)
Individuality( Conforming is a social norm now, you wear big hair, long sideburns and bootcut, you're a loser o.o)
Fashion(it seems the less one wears, the more glam it is. Audey hepburn must be doing 360 bodyflips in her grave)
Life(when was the last time you stopped to smell the roses and get stung by a bee?)

And many many more.

So tell me, what so nice about the 21st century?

Picture of the day, well, its tattooed, it has red pants, and it has no name.I like to call it, rock-a-fella.get it? Rock A Fella?

Oh, this is a variation of the same title as my previous post(birds of a feather) .I saw it on threadless as a new tee design. cool huh?

Random thought: Thor #6 comes out tmr!

Song on itune: Thong song

Random worry: I'm losing shoes faster then Td farming in Dota.

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