Monday, September 1, 2008


SO 3 days back , and its been raining for all 3 of it. That means no skateboarding, and plus i'm really to lazy to do anything else..Which meanss, i'm stuck here.In the room.On the computer, getting fat. Joy.

Was suppose to meet Amber to surprise Rev today, they were having some bakefest at her place.But then Dawn threatened to kill me, which I assume would mean knocking me down with a cloud car, she being a carebear and all. So I decided not to take the risk of surprising her(rev)and her(dawn) and then get killed.Gettit? Or I'm just lazy.Either way.

Anyway, I'm prattling on about my life, which is interesting to a interestingly interesting degree, but I said I wont do that in this blog, so I shan't. I,instead, will ramble.Aboutt.Shoes and muffins. How's that for random. I think shoes are nice.Not the leather ones that go click clock with the mini men heels.Those are chic.but shoes in general are nice.Like skate shoes.Fallen is a great brand for shoes.I mean, how many companies think of making red and purple shoes for skating. Thus I rest my case.Shoes are awesome in weird colors.Fallen is awesome.
Now, on to cupcakes.I like cupcakes. but they make me hungry. End.

On a totally random note, the sky is nice today. and my lips are so dry.

Picture of the day: I havent done Amber's one liner cause i dont know what to draw yet, but now I got Roosh's one. which is "She is a walking oxygen Moron"

Song on itune: Madam Helga

Random Thought: I love the bicycle song.
And i cant find the right blog

Thanks For The Tags:

Rev: I'm not angry! I am merely..not that happy.HAHA..and i know you're I HEARDD.*dum dum dum*

Roosh: Roosh The Moosh Looks Like A Toosh And Thinks Like A Doush. o.0 Ok.i did not mean that. But it has to rhyme and Roosh doesnt really rhyme with many , well. obvious, words.BUT YOU LIKE IT? yes?haha:D

Gabriel: haha.bring it :P I have the almighty DELETE button. I think

Amber: :S Thanks la.thanks. Malaysia. heh

Newton Faulkner.

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