Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year, One and Galore.

So the new year begins in less then 5000 seconds. I know this year has been a rather blahh year for most, or at least from the people I know. I also know Ramblegalore has been rather blah too. But hey, new year. Thats good right? It means another birthday, another christmas. More updates as I have figured out how to manage two blogs. And 5 more weeks to the end of that socialisation detox the school has put us on. So I don't know about you, but its not even the New Year yet, and I'm feeling that its gonna be Great.

To everyone, anyone, anything that passes by this blog, be it this night, or this night one year later or 2 or 3.

Have a very very Happy New year.

And a belated Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


My eyes feel like there are 10 ton slabs attached to them. Open. OPEN.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Bit Of A Poem

So, my blog is dying a very slow death, not due to the unwillingness to write, but more to the fact that I dont have the time, or when I have the time, I dont have the will to write anything.

It will be back , eventually, with them rambles and doodles and poems, but that will be in febuary. For now, it's all about random, once in awhile posts.

When in need of a muse
And of something to write,
Let loose your inhibitions,
And let go of fright.

For fun comes naught,
with them walls of worry.
It comes with joy,
And laughter and

the desire for glory.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Binge Eat.

No heavy meals after 8. Thats the rule. However, I cant seem to keep that. Every Single Night. Now, as I struggle to stay awake to allow my food to digest, here's what I had for dinner.

3 bottles of pokka tea

250 Soya milk

500ml Meiji Milk

1 tube of ChewIts

1 plate of dumpling noodle


1 plate of char grilled chicken

Baked potato

Bowl of rice with 6 slices of bacon

More pork

Bowl of Soup

Its not that much, but it was between 9 and now. And that was not spread out. Anyway, I think I might know where the high blood pressure comes from. Haha. Thing is, I can still eat.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Proof Of The Prayer..

I'm not a deeply religious man. Then again, depends on how you look at it. Some people think making the effort to go to church every Sunday makes them pious. Makes them faithful. To me, I think the church is just an amplifier. The faithfulness, the piousness. That happens in everyday life. Every action. not just once a week. not just when someone is blasphemous.It is an ongoing process, and you give yourself that reminder by going to church once in awhile when you lose faith.

Anyway, point of this conversation. I was wondering yesterday. How do I get my act together. I mean, everyone says the next step is uni. I think that's useful only if I'm gonna spend a large sum of money to pretend to be studying so I can mess around another 2 years. Plus uni chicks are, in myth, good conversationalists.Niiicee. So, I was wondering, that thought. what should I do. And then today (this is the funny part)(to me at least) 2 different unrelated people came up to me, and asked about my skating. One asked how many skate comps have I joined. The other asked if my trip to Sydney was to take part in a competition. Now, I must really give off a good vibe. But that's not the point. Point is, I got my answer. And I don't believe much in coincidental coincidences

Monday, November 30, 2009


I've been thinking about shutting this blog down. I like this blog, and ramblegalore has really stuck, the name and all. But this blog was for my doodles and rambles, none of which are present as of late. Rambles are present, but of a standard I shouldn't be proud of. So till I find out a reason on why the think tank is dry, this blog is on a hiatus. I'm on a hiatus.

On another note, I really wanna go to Sydney right now and skate the Bondi bowl till I feel like coming back.

Thanks For The Tags:

Liana : wah, wise beyond your years. and you know what, you sound like a tutor. I think it's all that work at the centre. haha. yes teacher.

Tabitha: Then how? cry? call police?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Middle Ages

So. I think that this day and age is pretty much, to an ugly degree, like the dark middle ages. We all look back and go, oh how lucky we are. But back then, i'm sure they were looking at themselves and going "well, this isn't so bad". "Why?" is the shout back I hear upon this statement, and this is why.

Rampant Disease - Back then hygiene was an issue. Now it isnt so much. But still, there are diseases. Back then, there was the black plague, there was small pox, there was leprosy and the list goes on. It was common occurence to have a sickness of some kind. Now, we have cancer, aids, bird flu, swine flu, macdonalds and the list goes on.

Plunder - Back then, to plunder would be to sack, to take by force a persons/ villages belongings. To plunder a village would be to strip it of its value. Now, we're a tad more advanced. People plunder their companies with forgery, fraud, etc. Then there is Iraq.

Sports - Back then, there were knights. Now there are skateboarders. Duh. Did you really think 22 people fighting over a ball would win a ladies heart? And dont start with Cristiano Ronaldo. The guy is pretty nifty with the ball. on his own. see? solo.

Sex and debauchery - Back then, them kings really loved all those ladies. Now, it varies, but the sex and debauchery is still there.

And those are just afew. Of course, the list goes on.

But I'm abit tired of the keyboard.

Later Gator

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lemme tell you what you've guess.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Monotony be the Mother Of Creativity

Everyone is suddenly realizing something or another.

How life works, or how the term life and how it works is overrated, or how old they are, or how mundane things be, or how depressed they are with the way things are turning out.

I got to find something for me to realize.

I know. The lady at the comic shop is a grumpy b*tch. No wait. Everyone knew that. Gotta rethink it..

And I just replied a mass sent email in facebook, and for 10 seconds, I was in cold sweat, thinking I sent it out to all 1000+ members. I'm still not sure. I hope not.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Hand That Crossed Me

So I wanted to blog yesterday, but blogger had other plans, for example, not signing in. For example, raising my blood pressure. For example, Ok I think you've had enough examples.

Anyway, they were asking at work yestderday is Torres ready for soccer. And then on the way home, I saw this extremely plump guy in a torres jersey. And the answer came to me. No. Ok, maybe it's not that funny, but bad soccer jokes are amusing. and me getting them, even more amusing.

I got an email from the dumbass comic shop I get my subscrips from saying I havent collected my comics and if I dont, my membership is forfeit. They are rather cheap. It's only been a month, or two. And I paid for my membership. Even if you hold it till i'm done with army, you better just shut it and suck it. I need a new comic shop to go to.

Lastly, I use to post up funny pictures once a month. Dont do that anymore, but what I do have is a shitload of funny pictures in my file for them. So I'll post some up within the next few days.

Later Gator

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Quip

So today we outran the rain. But by the time we got to our destination, I was so knackered, I couldn't skate.

Anyway, it's pouring again. Oh look, a cow came down. You know. raining cats and cows. And I ... Shall.. continue this post tmr..

Tags :

Ben : eh, what happened to our moon movie?

Liana: I am not. it is logical really! It is quite mundane la. that's the only problem really.and yes you did book me.Really!

Sinee: Yeah:( so slow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rain Rain, Pour Some Teh

It's abit early in the morning to be blogging. But I have something to say.

I think I would say after years of cultivation, i can be what you call, an expert, in lazing around, and actually enjoy spending my time doing nothing. Some of you younger folks call it chilling out. I call it being lazy. Either way. Anyway, point I'm here is simple. Its pouring outside. Like someone upstairs decided to fix the heavenly sink, and something went wrong.And I realized, the only thing I like better then sleeping when it's raining, is just sitting around when it's raining, feeling the cold air, and having a cup of nice warm coffee. Why? because when you can do that, it means you arent worried, you dont have no place to be. You're right where you need to be, being lazy, with coffee, and not caring when the rain stops. Then perhaps as it lightens up, and the joy of watching it pour while you're nicely indoors is over, maybe take a nap. That would be so fun.

However, I'm hoping it stops raining by 11.15 or I'm pretty much screwed. How cruel.

In other news, my drawings are from ages past, I dont exactly feel like drawing when I come home. So these are old, but gold.

Thanks for the tags:

Tmr, tmr I'll reply you tmr, tmr's a dayy awayy..

Saturday, October 24, 2009

No Coffee For The Wicked.

So it's saturday again. And I'm considering blogging twice a week. Like those web comics go on mon wed and fri? Many I'll do wed and sat, or mon wed and sat. I dont know. we'll see.

Anyway, I went to sleep on thurs hoping i'd wake up in feb, with the last day of internship being the one I woke up to. No. Didnt happen. Here I am at week 5 out of 20. Oh my bejeez.

And, for the next few posts, I will be taking stuff from my phone. Things I write on the bus or train on the notepad. or maybe just next 2 posts, cause I dont think I'll use everything. Abit outdated some of them be.

Ok, I remeber I did this quite a long time back. We were skating, and the sky was black as a bear's bum. And it was only in the early afternoon.

Legs pressed beyond limits
Ears pricked to hear the slightest sigh
But when we felt the first drop
On our sweat drenched skin,
We knew we had failed,
In our quest, on that day,
to outrun the rain.

Tanks for tags, bikes for comments:

Stranger: nah, I was thinking try wrestling. they help you right all the wrong bones.haha

Amber: Geee Amber, haha. I can't cause its mEn's best friend. Not mAn, or mINe.haha. But at you saves me drawing a skateboard. haha

Rooshdee: Not really. Jay Z album 3 is actually quite good. haha. I have it. and if you bring Elvis to this day and age, or Jay Z to that era, and they outdo one another, then it's fair. haha. Its like comparing 50 cents from then and now. It's of different values already. Hows the xams?

Liana: haha. Its true what. She did sing it. and she's..well.. her. haha.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Help, help, the roof is on fire

Oh no, Bozo. It's been 4 days since i last blogged. FOUR! not one. one.two.three.four. AH. ok.

Anyway, I think I have an explaination on why people shouldn't judge other people. really. took me four days to think that. SO. Most obvious reason first, no one is perfect. No one. And since Alicia Keys sang no one, she's perfect. But aside from her, no one else is, so we shouldnt see the flaws in others, when they might be trying to see the good parts of you. In a non dodgy way, I mean. But the reason I think would affect us more, would be when we judge, we expect. When we see someone, and judge them as, say a murderer. We're putting them in that pigeonhole. that stereotype. When the person plays out of that stereotype and does something not expected, you will get confused. But because you couldn't care less about a murderer, it wouldnt bother you. However, bring that closer to home. Say you decide to strereotype this person as a nice person. and they end up backstabbing you. Because you brought YOUR hope into the picture, you get hurt. So, long story short. Dont judge. Not smart, it is. See Yoda for further examples.

the picture is from a thrasher shirt btw.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

T is for Twinkle. I Is For Infidel.

Ok. So its the weekend. But I'm sick. Which blows.

Anyway, I went about drawing the one-liner. With no windows paint, I'm pretty much left with my hands. which is both good and bad, because that means more details required, and inking and tracing and all that is manual. And above is an uncompleted copy. It's just a sketch till its fine tuned, but i'll fine tune it and post the finished one up, when I'm done.

The one liner is "men's best friend" by the way. And that is a bird with a rather peculiar name. that I'll let you go figure out on your own. But I apologize in advance if anyone is offended, although i see naught to be offended about. Its just dogs are abit of a 90's cliche. Plus I wanted to draw something I havent drawn before.

Anyway, I'll blog again soon. Ramble off off and away.

HAHA. Ok. Its the painkillers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Day For All

Have A Day to Rest your laurels,
Have a day to say Hooray,

Have a day to hunt for fossils,
Have a day to just think about a day.

For all these days are part of your life,
be they big or small, or foolish or wise.

They all add up to one lump sum,
which makes you up, worker or bum.

And when you reach that check-out counter
to the tunnel of the light,

You must going with joy and glee and no regrets,
And say "Boy, its been one adventurous day"

Can't draw the one liner yet. I'm deciding between a dog and birds.. I'm kinda going to the birds side, but its not child friendly. No, not in an obscene way. But I'll get back to you with my decision, in drawing.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pudge Cassidy

I just killed my throat shouting die to a nymph as I smashed it with a detergent bottle. It was abit of an overkill, judging from the remains, or the lack thereof, but it was 3 weeks of frustration. I need to breed more of these things.

I'm gonna go plaster mustard on the floor downstairs now.Later gator.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Shane on you

So today Australia won the icc champions trophy in cricket. From New zealand. And It made me happy. the whole day. even though I was late, even though i paid 8 dollars for a bite sized lasagna, even though it was only tuesday in a five day week. I felt happy. Everytime I typed in the score, it felt nice. And while my colleague was explaining how to cut footage while on the match review, when the Auss crest showed up, I wanted to tell him why it was that way, and what those two animals were there.

I dont know why.

And cricket is actually a pretty fun game.

ok, enough of sports new before I hurl. Bye

Jerry Hsu Looks Like You

So monday came. and went. and when you finish monday you feel happy, then go, "crud, 4 more days" thats a good 32 hours.

Anyway, I realize why I hate my job. Well I dont hate my job. i hate the idea of working. Of the same old drudgery everyday. and at least manual labour is liberating. This, however, involves technology. And sitting in a spot for 8 hrs isn't my forte, as my studies can attest too. Also, I dont get how people can go to work everyday of their lives like that. Every adult does that. Where's the light at the end of the tunnel. Friday? I know mine is every friday, but the greater light is 5 mths. But to do a job, mon to fri, everyday, desk jockey-ing. where is the joy. Where is the excitement.

On another note, my job, as it requires graphics for on- air shows at 7. means it requires a certain degree of perfection, for example, in spelling. and. well, I have never sought such a .... well. I just think from just doing everything just beyond a point of doing it, and suddenly asking everything to be on the dot. Its a big, painful jump.

Ok. Ramble done.

Friday, October 2, 2009


friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday .........

Pardon me while I celebrate

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I am feeling that...

So I think a rhino air dropped into my house when i slept and sat on my face. I went to the docs and was told i had ligament sprain in the neck. Which explains why anything that involved applying pressure to the left side of my upper body would hurt to the point of immobilization. Or how my head was in a 20 deg angle all bloody day. Apparently I moved my neck too fast. Don't ask me how. So now I walk around with a pose similiar to that of my blogspot dp.

In other news. Wait. I lied. No other news. Oh yeah. I cant skate with this neck. And I dont think it'll do the impression I'm gonna leave for my internship any good since i'm taking it just one week into the thing. DIE

And in other other news, where are the one liners.Drop one and let me do something. Just any one-liner. really really.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm thinking...

since i've been doing mini-updates on my tumblr. I should be doing that on my blogspot instead. to save it from dying. I cannot take it when i go to a blog and the post is the one i read one week ago, so i shall not put you thru that.

However, the updates, will generally, honestly be just be coming on every friday saying YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS weekends. I have this habit that when time is taken away from me, like for work or for school during project season, i kind of go off the radar during my free time cause i'll be out doing things. ssoooo. yah. pardon in advance for the semi- hiatus on solid posts.

hamilton just won.Although i dont see the appeal of watching cars go round the cherry tree over and over 61 times.

oh, and I ripped my jeans today. like from zipper to back pocket sort of rip. could fit a head inside if it was needed. HAHA.

And my bad for the lack of drawing, which was the goal of this blog. I need one liners. so i can re-ignite the drawings. No.really. tag.liners.thanks

Monday, September 21, 2009

Andrew Of All Trades, Reynold Of None

So Blogger is back. Thats the alright news. But the bad news is I begin internship tmr. Which means 5 mths of work. no breaks, no 2 week study breaks, no "I dont feel like going to school today so i smack the snooze button", no... well you get the picture. and between getting up at the unearthly hour of 7 and slogging and all that, I'll have to find time to skate. that's gonna be a handful.

Anyway, I find I have a weird habit. I sleepwalk. Not in the "i walk all around the house" kind of way. It's more of an auto pilot thing. My body knows what I want. But I'm asleep. I woke up afew months back in the morn with a skatemag next to me. And I was not reading it the night before. it was laying there. next to my face. And just last week, I woke with my phone next to me, with 3 miss calls and a msg. Of course my phone was on the table as usual. So how it ended up on the bed. beats me.

And I understand why men prefer bikes to cars. Cars are luxury items. It's like a wagon in olden days. But to have a bike is to have control. It's like a knight of old, with your steed, only motorised. And to actually feel the humming of the motor compared to the comfy seats of the car. It's a manly thing I would assume a bike be. Not vespas or scooters. Like harleys and things like that.

Anyway, my ramble be done. to pack my bag , I shall go.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Muffled Fists Of Snickers

If patience makes things so much sweeter, why doesn't my bread taste sweeter with mold on it. Anyway, I realized that if i blogged at the moment of time when I get the topic to ramble about, there would be daily updates to this blog. Daily updates and a more interesting read. Unfortunately, till blogspot makes a tap device that lets me blog straight from my brain, I guess it's going to be as such. So, you know what I do not like? going into shops. or more specifically, going into shops that are empty, and yet have the world's most helpful people. I mean. I like helpful people. It is great you love your job. Honestly. I thank you on the world's behalf, because you make it a more enjoyable experience for most people. But not for me. I don't want to go into a shop, with every person in it starring at me, asking if I need help. I do not. if i do need help, I will ask you. and i will only need help if I have the slightest of intentions to buy something. But, has it occured to you, I do not want to buy anything? See, if you want to tell me all about your day and be helpful at the same time. Sure, we'll meet for lunch, and you can help me queue while telling me about your latest handphone over a drink and some sandwiches. If you're standing in a shop, then watch the customers by all means. but dont start asking them if they need help. it's not very welcoming. Maybe if I wore a shirt with "broke ass" scrawled on it, it might keep them sneering at a distance. Perhaps.

Anyway, before I end, pic of the day Aquadore, the S.L.A.B monster. I made him for to be the S.L.A.B icon. haha. My pc died, so i can't upload a proper picture. Its all photobooth. And S.l.a.b stands for Skate like a beast. Figures huh? haha

Tags and Tanks:

Tpt: oh har har. took you three years to catch on. hahaha

Rev: that's what I'm paid to do no? haha

Amber: Wah? huh? who talks to dogs? the dog whisperer. :O

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jack in the box, smells like bad socks.

SOooo. I said I will reply tags. and I will.But where to begin, oh the choices.

Anyway, You know what I think? wait. you dont. So I'll tell you. I think music, in the last decade, has become overrated. Is that how you spell overrated? spell check is done. along with everything thing else on this bloody site. Anyway, forgive the mispelling is there is any. bistuocutejd.

SO, back to what I was saying. I understand, how music is people's interest and all.I mean I love music. I do. I like to play my itunes when i'm not in the room. I like to listen to my ipod. I like cd shops and finding obscure or old songs. But.BUT, tattooing cleft notes on you and going around with cold, blue- cheese level lines like, " in my blood"
Well ok. Last I heard too much sugar in your blood is bad. you might to get that checked. But really now. And half of the people who do this, cant play an instrument. I have a guitar at home. a guitar and a certificate which says "failure at music making" so I keep quiet. and really, people should do that. or get good at it then boasts. Anyway, I'm rambling. I hope I can get a picture in the next post. HEAR THAT BLOGSPOT? I'm knackered.

Thanks for the Ta Ta Tags:

Daniel: Daniel. It's called adrenaline. haha. but yah napha. FAILL.

Anjun :Sup Anjun. haha. eh hows the company? is it fun?

Nat: well, if it aint NP.CB.LAWL. thats one whole line of acronyms that only afew people in this world know. arent you touched? haha. ok. maybe everyone knows. still dont stress. wed still on yes?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Believe I can Fly

So 15 hours ago, I said I'll post. And I am going to. I can't post pictures however, so I'll bore you with the likes of me and deciding whether I should stick to my 8 inch deck or revert to a 7.8 one. decisions decisions.

Anyway, look what I found.

I get this question a lot, actually. Being a bigger guy just means you’ll have to work harder. Your center of gravity is a lot higher so you’ll fall easier, plus if you are heavier you’ll have to push and jump that much harder to move yourself around.

I think this comes over a year to late.Now if only they told me earlier, I'd have understood my innate liking for pavement dirt.It is all clear now. Anyway, ytd, in my bid to avoid some dumbass lady, my board wheels got caught on a curb. Now thats alright, cause I flew, as per normal. But the diff was I was facing a pillar.So in my attempt to turn to land on my back, and flying rather quickly, I smacked right into the middle of the pillar on my back, and slid to the ground. Like an action sequence. Now I'm saying this not to tell you how brave I am and how dull old ladies be, but if you ever have a movie with a demanding action sequence, and you need big guys who have to work harder with skateboarding. Pls. I'm right here.

In other news, I had something I wanted to ramble about yesterday. But I forgot. Something about something.Crud. Oh well. I'll blog again when I remember.

Oh oh. and I know its long overdue. But I'll start replying tags again.promise. It's just a hassle to have to refer half the time, so I conveniently forget.

And look at the date. 9/9/09. haha
It's 09/09/09!

And i cant enlarge the font to really bring the point home because of *drumroll* blogspot!

Anyway, I'll blog at a more earthyly hour.

Later gator

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Technology, Bane of the world

So I woke up with one of those "its a wonderful morning, its a beautiful day," sort of tunes in my head. Really. I told myself it was going to be a good day.

Then my desktop decided to die on me. so great. I'll have to use the laptop. And guess what, my laptop was messing with me too. Really. Like it stays at 4% charged for the past hour. and the itunes library is ill equipped for my listening, so I have to plug my ipod into the speakers of my dead desktop.

Good job technology. I'll give you a medal for joint collaboration in deciding to die together. Mofo.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


An article from esquire about men. For those wondering.

A man carries cash. A man looks out for those around him -- woman, friend, stranger. A man can cook eggs. A man can always find something good to watch on television. A man makes things -- a rock wall, a table, the tuition money. Or he rebuilds -- engines, watches, fortunes. He passes along expertise, one man to the next. Know-how survives him. A man fantasizes that kung fu lives deep inside him somewhere. A man is good at his job. Not his work, not his avocation, not his hobby. Not his career. His job. It doesn't matter what his job is, because if a man doesn't like his job, he gets a new one.

A man can speak to dogs.

A man listens, and that's how he argues. He crafts opinions. He can pound the table, take the floor. It's not that he must. It's that he can.

A man can look you up and down and figure some things out. Before you say a word, he makes you. From your suitcase, from your watch, from your posture. A man infers.

A man owns up. That's why Mark McGwire is not a man. A man grasps his mistakes. He lays claim to who he is, and what he was, whether he likes them or not.
Some mistakes, though, he lets pass if no one notices. Like dropping the steak in the dirt.

A man can tell you he was wrong. That he did wrong. That he planned to. He can tell you when he is lost. He can apologize, even if sometimes it's just to put an end to the bickering.
A man does not wither at the thought of dancing. But it is generally to be avoided.
Style -- a man has that. No matter how eccentric that style is, it is uncontrived. It's a set of rules.

A man loves the human body, the revelation of nakedness. He loves the sight of the pale bosom, the physics of the human skeleton, the alternating current of the flesh. He is thrilled by the wrist and the sight of a bare shoulder. He likes the crease of a bent knee.
Maybe he never has, and maybe he never will, but a man figures he can knock someone, somewhere, on his bottom.

A man doesn't point out that he did the dishes.

A man knows how to ridicule.

A man gets the door. Without thinking.
He stops traffic when he must.

A man knows how to lose an afternoon. Playing Grand Theft Auto, driving aimlessly, shooting pool.
He knows how to lose a month, also.

A man welcomes the coming of age. It frees him. It allows him to assume the upper hand and teaches him when to step aside.
He understands the basic mechanics of the planet. Or he can close one eye, look up at the sun, and tell you what time of day it is. Or where north is. He can tell you where you might find something to eat or where the fish run. He understands electricity or the internal-combustion engine, the mechanics of flight or how to figure a pitcher's ERA.

A man does not know everything. He doesn't try. He likes what other men know.

A man knows his tools and how to use them -- just the ones he needs. Knows which saw is for what, how to find the stud, when to use galvanized nails.

A miter saw, incidentally, is the kind that sits on a table, has a circular blade, and is used for cutting at precise angles. Very satisfying saw.
He does not rely on rationalizations or explanations. He doesn't winnow, winnow, winnow until truths can be humbly categorized, or intellectualized, until behavior can be written off with an explanation. He doesn't see himself lost in some great maw of humanity, some grand sweep. That's the liberal thread; it's why men won't line up as liberals.

A man resists formulations, questions belief, embraces ambiguity without making a fetish out of it. A man revisits his beliefs. Continually. That's why men won't forever line up with conservatives, either.

A man is comfortable being alone. Loves being alone, actually. He sleeps.
Or he stands watch. He interrupts trouble. This is the state policeman. This is the poet. Men, both of them.

A man loves driving alone most of all.

A man watches. Sometimes he goes and sits at an auction knowing he won't spend a dime, witnessing the temptation and the maneuvering of others. Sometimes he stands on the street corner watching stuff. This is not about quietude so much as collection. It is not about meditation so much as considering. A man refracts his vision and gains acuity. This serves him in every way. No one taught him this -- to be quiet, to cipher, to watch. In this way, in these moments, the man is like a zoo animal: both captive and free. You cannot take your eyes off a man when he is like that. You shouldn't. Who knows what he is thinking, who he is, or what he will do next.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

10 Things to make you sing.

So tumblr has gone minimal on me again. I should just quit blogging altogether.

Anyway, since I can't post pics or distract you(the reader) with fonts and colors. I will have to have a good post. So today I will talk about 10 ways to live happy. Or wealthy, in the head. or something. but you get it.

People often deprive themselves of sleep. not all the time, but often. because they feel guilty sleeping in That should be abolished. There is nothing wrong with sleeping in as long as you utilize the day still. I sleep till a healthy hour of 1 in the afternoon everyday, but yeat I get my full day's worth because I've never been built for mornings, so I sleep at 4 or 5 in the morning.

2.Go Slow.
Often, I see people chug by like a land shark is on their ass. I'm guilty of that myself too. But everytime I catch myself walking at a speed which makes a snail seem like it's stationary, I slow down. Take in the sights, the smells, the sounds, and the feeling of the wind on your face. it makes things slower, and more relaxing

3.Enjoy waking up.
Sure, I dont get up early, but when I do, the first thing I want to do is turn the computer on and just do anything I can with a cup of coffee beside me. Nothing beats the smell of coffee in the morning. Plus it has been proven to help relieve stress. So find something you can wake up to. perhaps a gallop on a unicorn, if anyone in your neighbourhood owns one.

4.Tell the truth.
Sounds simple. It's not. I was talking about it on my tumblr that day. It is the hardest thing to do, to be honest with people. And people dont appreciate it. even if you lay it out nicely, the truth is thr truth and the truth may be ugly. so be prepared to feel soddy for the rest of the day. However, once you get used to that feeling, you understand it beats lying and keeping up with your lies. and in the long- run, many will see you meant no harm in your opinions. It was brutal honesty. It was respect.

5.Beat Mediocrity
In this day and age, excellence is only sought after on paper. Anything else, and mediocre does it. Singlish is a blatant sign of this. Convenience is too. As things get easier to do, people get lazier, and the bare minimum becomes the only bar required. Beat that. Be excellent in all you do. Be it your sports, your relationship, your art work. Give it everything. and when you lay there, bowled over by fatigue, there will not be regret, but contentment. as no matter how imperfect it turned out. It was born of excellence

6.Be polite
Being polite is anarchy in this day and age. People are rude. Being cool means being food is rude, because its an insult to food. people are rude, in their rush to go places. Rude is the new way. Rudeness was once brought about to rebel against etiquette, and now it has become the norm. Being polite beats that. being polite takes time. Takes effort. It is rebellion in the form of the 21st century. There is no other way to go. Plus the joy of making someone's day after he/she has faced a whole day of rudeness, will always bring a smile to one.

7.Have a reason to live.
People often underestimate this point. Take a look at Danny Way. Professional skateboarder. Does vert ramps. Smashed his knees nine times. When you tell people, I think my passion is the most important thing in my life. you often hear people laugh. Its understandable because no one gets it till they try it. Danny way is one of the few who gets is. This could be called drive, or love, or whatever you call it. but I'm sure everyone can find one of this. and the day you do, be it accidental or after a hard search, things will make sense and the meaning of life ceases to be 42.

The reason I'm so good at being spontaneous is because I suck at balancing. not only in life, but in principle of accounts class, I never balanced a balance sheet in all 3 years. Sure putting everything you have into something at once and change it the moment you need change is good, but balance is better. It's like a wooden house. You gotta mantain all four sides of the house. if you just concentrate on one wall, the other three walls will rot with the rain, and it'll collapse, leaving you to rebuild.

Change stinks. Sure the only thing constant in life is change. But take that theory and shove it. all you got to do is be prepared. and gradual change in a right direction is not all bad. But as all we literate people know, it hardly does that. sometimes its fast, and often bad.If so, just roll with it. find something joyous in life. Unless you live in a DHL box, if not there would always be something good going on somewhere.

Hope is good. Hope came out of pandora's box with everything else. But if it was locked in at first, then without everything bad, I assume hope was really needed. There are many things we hope for in life.good grades, good job, the works. But hope puts us in the future, and lets us dwell on past dissappointments, Hope should be taken away where possible. with no hope, there is no dissapointment. with no hope, no wait. With no hope we can focus on enjoying this very minute. this very day. without wasting our afternoon away, hoping.

Friday, August 28, 2009

John Cassidy and the Sundance festival

So as of yesterday, my poly life is about to come to a closure. internship doesn't count. So unless I have to stay 6 mths for failure to pass the exams, if not, I'm free. Its over.

So. Anyway, today's ramble involves teens of today. Teens. Angsty is a word often used to describe teens. And the whole "you just dont get it" phrase is understandable. It took me a good few years to get it to my mom that using dial-up internet and a hi- card won't work as well. And It'll probably take me a few more years to finally succeed at winning her over. Anyway, point is. To not get us, is the role of the parent. But kids have taken being angsty to a new level. Its that new age word called emo. I dont get how a person can cut themselves and be unhappy about life, with thoughts about suicide and all that.And the worse part is its over nothing. (why is the sky blue, why is the grass green. Ohhh my heart weeps blood) half of them have a roof over their heads, food in their fridge, a family that finds their presence enjoyable(if not barely tolerable) and friends. So whats the appeal in the whole sad phase. Attention? if its attention they seek, be an actor, or a stripper. you get attention. If its pain you want, put your hand in the mincer. sinces it's pain, why stop at cutting yourself.Go all out, lose a limb, cause a din, go wild! if its darkness you like, with the black and all, then live in a cave, with no lights, in a dense forest. Why go through all that hassle, and put everyone who cares through misery of trying to pull u out of it. stand infront of a truck, do a 60 story dive. Something glorious. Something new, creative. Anything, everything. But just stop wasting ypu life whining about how sad your life is, when it isn't actually all that bad.

Or if you think you can't do this on your own, I can help. I'll give you therapy. $180 an hour.
1800 - ima - dimwit.

ok. I think I'm done. haha.Ramble over.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Great Jumping Mexican Sharks, What Have We Here

Anyway, exams begin tmr and Rev's birthday begins tmr. I think that just mean something hard is going come out for the question. Something like " If I was a bird and you were a tree, but in your contract with God, it said you were a bird, can you sue?" And if you say no, you're wrong. If you say yes, then you're pretty dumb trying to sue God. Well. This is as we're taking media law tmr.

Anyway, I hardly use the term "hot" with women. Ok I lie. I try not to. Its a derogatory term born of lust and shallowness no? Well thats what I think. like for example

A: Wow. She's hot.
B:Ok, so was that an innocent acute observation on your part?
B: Or were you implying she's so hot you want to grab her and bag her and use her instead of fire in your next offering to the gods of darkness, oh evil princeling.

Well. I digress. But its like everything in society. with more convenience, comes more crudeness sort.Sort of thing. Like poems aren't as good as they use to be. And I need to learn how to turn notifications off on facebook.

Ok. Time to go procrastinate more on the studying.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Running Dry Like An Alcoholic At Church

So Exams are on tuesday. Andd I'm nowhere near done with studying, or started for that matter. But just because I'm in a holiday mood, I feel like winging it. Just saying.

Anyway, I went dinner with me mum. And While she was looking at desserts, I was looking at the entrance, and this couple was standing there. and I was trying to figure out if the girl was his friend or his girlfriend. Anyway, the waiter asked me a question, but I zoned out, and apparently(according to my mum) he turned to check what I was checking out, and began checking her out too. So. 2 guys at the table, looking at that general direction, while my mum had shout out she wanted chocolate ice cream to snap us out of it. Funny, but not very nice.

So Bloggers back up
. AS YOU CAN TELL.which means you'll get pictures. And it sounds like its going to rain. Good. that'll make me want to study more.

Anyway, I think the reason, (and I say I realized, but I'm sure someone already figured it out) that Singaporeans are generally so unhappy with their lives is cause its mundane. work, home, out, sleep. Four basic things. how to spice it up? find things you enjoy. alot. even in this weather. like reading. or skydiving. or wasting money. something. You dont have to get it right now, but slowly you'll find something you like. Just cause you're all old and wrinkly doesnt mean fun shouldn't exist. A person should stop growing once you hit 17.Or trying to grow. like being all mature. that's all baloney. A pretence. LIES!

Anyway, ramble over. for now.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Muse like I'm on Booze.

I see the road ahead. a black tarred road stained with lines pristine and white, meant to guide us, straight as an arrow. Like a stained parchment of immense proportion, it stretched as far as the eye could see. No. I exaggerate. It stretched a mile. to a grass patch. No more, no less. The end, I thought. That was it, wasn't it? an end. A grassy knoll where everyone would, with the white rectangular guidings, reach? I remembered the saying I have long heard, and experienced many times through my own eyes. The grass is always greener on the other side they say.That wrenching feeling in the gut when you see yourself on this patch, and how it yellows before your eyes in comparison to that patch across the ravine.

But this grass knoll has no patch to compare itself too. Not yet. Not till you reach it. So I dropped the deck that progressively got heavier with each step I took. It yearned to be free. I dropped it, and it rolled, waiting, like a stallion awaits its rider. And I got on.

It was a ritualistic, blind road that is premade in an attempt to make us think we are going where we all should be. I swerved to the left when I saw a no entry sign leading to another road.That grass patch yonder would never feel my soles.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Oh great. And I thought Blogger's interface couldn't get any worse. Now its bare minimal. Literally.

Anyway, I like the whole new minimal theme actually, forces me to type more and rely less on the pictures for substance. So, haven't been blogging lately. Not much to ramble about. Probably due to the lack of materials. Alot on my mind. like how to squash 2 mths of holidays in three weeks, and issues like that. But nay, I will not bore you with the details.

I have however, been sleeping 12 hour days.Which means my week is technically a 12x7 week. Or less. But it's all in good fun.

So here's some literature, for those who are all sad at heart.

...most pleasent it is at first, to those who are to melechony given, to lie in bed whole days, and keep their chambers, to walk alone in some solitary grove betwixt wood and water, by a brook side, to meditate upon some delightsome and pleasant subject,which shall affect them most...a most incomparable delight it is to melachonize, and build castles in the air, to go smiling to themselves, acting an infinite variety of parts, which they suppose and stongly imagine they represent. - The Freedom Manifesto

What it means, as stated above, is melachony is to be embraced not shunned. With all good there is bad, with all glad, there is sad. So when melachony strikes and thou feels all low, be bold, and go for a singular stroll.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Supreme.Day.Of.Weiners. WHUT?

Sorry about the lack of posts. It hasn't slipped my mind. But Blogger still hasn't fixed their customization bar. that means it's all still text heavy. With no pictures. oh the horror.

So I guess you'll be stuck with me. and my rambles, and babbles and thoughts about life, love and the occasional cookie jar theft.
Or rather, skateboarding and giving comments on any and everything that catches my eye.

So what has caught my eye as of late. Nothing. Nothing has caught my eye. But I can tell you what my eye has been catching. Nothing too. AHA! trick! ok. anyway, I have come to realize(as usual) that we all have tags related to us. Like google keyword search. Some people have "moron" attached to their forehead, while others have "badass" written all over it.

I look at a couple of my friends, I see words like "Charismatic, Pale, Guitar, Soccer" all attached to it. So I dont really have much to talk about this topic.Because my original topic was the over-stated use of words like bad-ass and cool and that sappy kind of love every girl wants.But I've got to stall that till I think of something more solid to talk about with that.

So like all my rambles, here's a question.What tag would you be associated with?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tags From Craig and Stags

SO Blogspot is being stupid. My entire customization bar is gone. No more spell checks, no more colour change, no more small font size, no more font change. and worst of all NO PICTURE POSTING.


In other news, the internet is screwy too. So I'll just answer tags in this post.

Jay: HEY! havent heard from you in abit. Its going good. depending on what it is. haha. Hows things on your end? back for the hols yet?

Sinee: I KNOW RIGHT! haha. then we have 3 weeks of

Liana: Thank you:D Compass point banquet soon? haha

Rooshdee: 5..4..3..2..1 Annnnnd he's gone again. haha. hello Midgardian

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Bimbo Edition

So I've been thinking about something radical and different to write about. Something away from my normal ramble. Then I realized half the people reading this blog wont be too bothered about me inducing 3 cups of caffeine today to make up for my caffeine deficit the past week.But I just told you still anyway.

Still, I decided on a "how to tell what bimbo that one is" ramble. I think last year or so i came up with a 4 diff type of gansters one. yeah. this one is roughly the same.

So in all my years, and mind you, years is quite long. i was there when they launched the first few SBS aircon double deck buses.I have realized that there are 4 different types of bimbos. And they are as follows.

The Wannabe - This group consist of people whom actually have some matter between their ears. But obviously not enough, because they think that by acting as one(bimbo), they'll be with the cool crowd. and the term cool is not used loosly here. As groups of bimbo's generate far less heat then a normal human as thinking isn't one of the few core processes of everyday life, you'll find groups of them would be called a "cool" crowd. And these wannabe's want in.

The Semi Bimbo - This group is like a those custard puffs. You know custard buffs? They look pretty fu*king solid. they feel pretty solid. but when you bite into it, all you get is yellow, soft filling. Now what I mean by custard puffs is this. From a distance, you cannot tell this people are pretty much zombies. they will tell you who the president is, how broths are made, and what the most popular song is with ease. But upon closer examination and long term exposure to such individuals, you will find. they are pretty much 50% into the bimbo zone. These people have hung too much with the zombies and are becoming one of them. Now do not, for a moment, think them not lethal. Because they act so much like regular people, but they'll slowly make u succumb.

Himbos - This group is new. Its the male version. Metrosexuality at its finest. They can be skinny, they can be fat, they can be beefy. They come in all shapes and sizes. But how do you tell one apart from the crowd is the flawless skin, the loud shrieks that be their voices and the questions they ask. I haven't had much exposure to these males as it's not very healthy, but you'll know.

The Bona Fide Article - These are the bimbos. They are cool(refer to wannabe), they are loud, and they travel like canned- beer. Why like beer? seldom do you buy one can. you buy a 6 pack. yeap. these are them. You cant really say much about them. they can't really say much about anything. but what they can do is yak. not the animal. But talk. and talk and talk. about the most mind-numbing things on earth, or about the resident geek, whom ironically would have more grey matter to share between 10 groups of them. Again beware of these, once they get their claws into you. they gonna sink in like dracula on crack.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A brolly On A Man With Tight Trolleys

So yesterday I was going to explain the differnce between Ego and Esteem. But I kind of forgot my explaination. But i'll still try

Esteem is something I think everyone must have in order to be able to enjoy themselves in life. if you aren't comfortable in your own skin, how can you be comfortable being yourself in the presence of others. However, what I have come to notice is nowadays, people often mistake ego with esteem. This false sense of security makes them think they are comfortable in their own skin but you can tell they're actually not. what they do is just flaunt that little which they have, and assume that'll suffice in covering their discomfort with the people around them. Of course this, as observed, does work.Cause birds of the same feather flock together yes? Ego, if one does have esteem, can be, of course a dangerous thing. I once parted way with a good friend( whom I met on the road today) because I called him stupid, and refused to apologise. Of course looking back I think it was dull of me to even call him stupid, but it wasn't apologising that bothered me, but having to admit my mistake that made me not want to say it. In hindsight, that was a rather shameful thing to do.

Point is. Esteem keeps us who we are. Ego drives us to excel. Deep yes? I know people whom look like they just crawled out of the devil's armpits, and yet have the cheek to comment on others. These people, have a false sense of esteem. Point made?

On a random note, the picture is of a man, with a brolly, on a ladder, at the beach by the sea.
Man, my prepositions own.

A Big Kick - to a slow start

–verb (used with object) regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration: I esteem him for his honesty. consider as of a certain value or of a certain type; regard: I esteem it worthless.

3.Obsolete. to set a value on; appraise.

4.favorable opinion or judgment; respect or regard: to hold a person in esteem.

5.Archaic. opinion or judgment; estimation; valuation.

–noun, plural e⋅gos.
1.the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.

2.Psychoanalysis. the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences and reacts to the outside world and thus mediates between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment.

3.egotism; conceit; self-importance: Her ego becomes more unbearable each day.

4.self-esteem or self-image; feelings: Your criticism wounded his ego.

5.(often initial capital letter) Philosophy.
a. the enduring and conscious element that knows experience.
b.Scholasticism. the complete person comprising both body and soul.

6.Ethnology. a person who serves as the central reference point in the study of organizational and kinship relationships.

I've come to realize that ego and esteem, tho related in rather obvious ways. are very I will elaborate tmr. When I'm not half dead and I dont have to be in school in less then 9 hrs.

And I'll post a picture, and sing a song, and even show you where to buy good bong. Ok I"m kidding about most of that. I'll probably only get around to posting a picture.

One more week till the final sem of school based projects is over. then internship. Which is either good, or bad.

Till tmr. Adieu

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Catching Up

So my internet just did a zombie on me. died and just came back to life, after immense effort. Oh sweet internet. I am back in thy warm, digital embrace. haha.

Anyway, I just realized why sometimes I go on auto-pilot mode these days. well no not just realized.maybe a couple of days back. but yeah. Its cause my days are getting longer. Now in the past two years, I got at least 9 hours of sleep. But now, I can have 21 hour days, and unless you live a 30 hour day week, then no, you're not getting 9 hours.

So my blog post have become a diluted state of gibberish, my drawings are pretty much going out the window(like that song from sugar ray) and I eat chin chow with sea coconut at 1am while typing.

In other words, I'm living the life of a 15 yr old when I'm 20. I'm half a decade slow in almost everything.sheesh.

And look what I found, a picture from grad night which i edited a long long time ago. haha

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ronald Caringal

Nothing of importance
Feb 1, 2008

To make art is one thing, to be an artist another.

The artist is not special.
Nor is he exceptional.
He is just a person who is trying to make something that may
or may not be significant or special
now or in the future.
And this does not give him the right to act so.
He is but a man.
A human being.
I believe one becomes an artist because of the need to say something that can never be captured and constructed as a sentence.
What can be exceptional is the choice of life he leads.
He can either paint a beautiful picture on canvas or create a beautiful life for the people around him.
He is just human.
Most tend to forget that.
He is no different from you, me or the most ordinary of people.
Beauty is not something restricted or strictly encompassed by the canvas.
It can be found anywhere. You just have to open your eyes.
Acts of kindness, words of truth, courage, acts of love.
They are more important than any masterpiece.
There will always be better artists and the world will never run out of masterpieces.
But you only get to live once to embrace all that is beautiful.

-Ronald Caringal

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Passion makes us crazy, but is there any other way to live

So its been awhile. A week rather, since I last posted. That doesnt mean my blog is dead, it was just merely taking a breather. Cause squeezing blood from a rock is pointless. Well anyway, if I adhere to normal unofficial blogging rules, I'll have to post lyrics to some emo song as a sign to say "I'm still here, but my blog is dying". But I shan't. Instead, I will attempt(as I have used all my ramble credits in real life) to ramble to you. Oh and by the way, my facebook, despite me only using it to take the quizzes and make fun of my friends results, is now

Ramblegalore is now the brand. of the man. who likes his hands. and you get the picture.

Anyway, today i will talk about obsession and passion. People often confuse obsession with passion. Obsession is the want of everything. To obsess is to want it all, to obsess is to need to have it all with no real purpose. That might even mean unconciously wanting it without knowing it. You need no motivation. you need no purpose, you just need whatever you need. Like the hello kitty craze. thats obsession. Passion is what people do when they love something alot. that doesnt mean they dont get disheartened, that doesnt meant they dont feel like its a waste of time, and that doesnt mean they dont have doubts. They do, but because they know the want for that is more then the temptation to quit, they go on with it. They may suck at it. they may get up some mornings feeling like they should just shelve it and move on. But they dont. they keep at it with reckless abandon. Now that is passion.

Wah so deep.

So picture of the day. the bearded pig.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A personal blog- like entry

Well. Schools half over. the week I mean. But the lack of griptape is getting to me. I just nearly fell off my chair. and if u see my chair. its impossible. and the lack of a chance to skate within the next week gets to me even more. I . may . just . kill someone.

Anyway, Ryan Reynolds is playing green lantern. This means thats the second hero that I like that he's playing. if hollywood doesnt massacre Hal jordan like they did wade wilson, it should be exciting. Should be.

And I've been trying ( really hard ) to be nice to certain issue ridden people. cause I feel as I am more fortunate in the happy department I should really try to reach out. BUT BY JESUS CHRIST, they are reallll tw*ts when it comes to making it easy.

Oh look how I ramble, Look how I rant, Think I will stop here least I make sense.

And I was going to post a pic of a bearded pig I drew, but I cant find my camera. So i'll use some random nice but not done by me sub instead.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Many Many "I've realized."

K it is "lets be narcissistic and post a picture of me" day

So life's a ball. really. It is. You know. Over the last few days, I've realized something. Every time people tell me I'm so slack, they're wrong. See what I do is the Minimum efforts maximum results theory. And who do I model after? The one who modelled me after Him. Yeah. God. Look at the rain. 5 mins of rain. 5 hours to dry the floor up. 5 hours of keeping my toe off the ground and 5 hours of having to walk around instead of skate around. 5 mins for 5 hours. maybe I exaggerate abit. But minimum effort, maximum results. like 4 hrs 59 mins.

In other news. I've realized something again. Haha. whats new.

See when people say, you wont get it if I say it. Or you wont understand it. Or the emo-tised phrase " no one understands me". Thats all correct. no one is wrong when they say that. Why? cause its true. I know alot of people dont understand me. They get where I'm coming from. They get what I'm getting it. and they get alot of laughs. so maybe they get 80% of it. but no one gets a complete understanding. Cause different things mean differently to us. Passion for some involves love, some it involves inanimate objects, some it involves ambition. Love could mean many different things. even a simple thing like, its such a bad morning means a variety of things for different people. Darth Vader and I will not have the same bad mornings. So how do you get people to understand you fully? you don't. unless you state the facts. that's 100% foolproof. Like this post.

The post ends here. (fact) understood.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A drug induced ramble

So I've been extremely lazy to blog. Why? because I was logged in to my OTHER gmail account. the serious one. the one for school. and it was too much of a hassle to sign out to come to the fun gmail account to blog.

But, despite me being almost a week late with my "tmr I will post something better" promise, I am here. Why? Because I feel obliged to. Because Ramblegalore is a brand that must be held high and be known for its quality posts. So I'm sorry for the lack of posts, but no post is better then baloney post. haha.

Anyway, been skating 6 out of 7 days. and despite everything below my neck being non responsive to my commands, I still feel pretty hyped. really. Like I could sing a song of six pence and a dollar and a half if not for the fact I dont have an audience.

And we were skating at some random void deck, and the big child that is my skate mate was whining about how hungry he is, and how he was lazy to walk to macs which was 15 mins away. So end point, we ordered macdelivery. and had to tell the guy, deliver this block. look out for the skateboards. I got my nuggets, so I assumed it work.

Anyway, i heard that H1N1 hit a school near my place. like one case. Oh the horror. and then the auntie at the coffee shop was coughly like a drugged up hip hop star. And near my deck. I had a good mind to deck her. get it? deck her with the deck? HAR. Hilarious.

So this is the end of my ramble. But as its N's birthday tmr, here's a poem for the old folk.

You're old, it's true,
But dont be blue
Its only the big 3 -0
But its not that bad, dont be so sad

Because You're 30,
Not to shabby of an age.

in fact you're only 30
thats roughly the age of a sage

Thank goodness you're not 40, thats about as old as fun gets
Thank goodness you're not 10, cause then you'll be a brat.

Happy Birthday, N :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Alfred SoLaiman

Ok, so I posted this rather sober note on Alfred earlier. But it bothered me. It was too Snore. Antway, point is, Alfred went to Perth for three years.

Have fun, Indonesian.

And I tried uploading his picture, but blogspot doesnt want it.

And I'll do a juicer post tmr, when time allows and the stars are aligned and the my creativity morphs into a werewolf of brilliance with multicolored fur and fangs of DEATH AND DESTRUCTION.

And here's a couple of 90 songs.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Infidelic Tank, Idyllic Man

If I get a dollar everytime I sprain my ankle since I started skating, I think i'll be at least 25 bucks richer.

Anyway, Chuck's addicted to Deep Purple, or at least smoke on the water. which technically is the beginning to an addiction to Deep purple. But anyyway. yah.

So Micheal jackson died, Farah Fawcett died, some other guy who does advertisement died. Its like death week. I wonder if any of them, as they were knock knock knocking on heaven's door, thought to themselves, " I wish I had more time"

In my opinion, Micheal had to die. Sounds harsh.but true. You wanna be great, you gotta die young. you gotta be immortalised in your prime. Look at chuck norris, and he'd probably hunt me down and roundhouse kick me for saying this, but he's getting old. Does Bruce lee get old? no. Does Elvis get old? no. Does John lennon get old? no. So what does it show? in order to achieve greatness and keep that greatness going, that flame going and the name smouldering, you .gotta. go. And not in the " I died in my sleep way" You gotta go like a star. Yeaaap.

See how there's Harold Hunter day? yeap. Immortalised.

Anyway, pic of the day is some old doodle that never saw daylight.It's called drawing keeps the deamons away. Dont know what I was thinking then. But yeap. I'm too lazy to color it now. Har Har


Daniel: Ask the sculptor. I draw what I see, not question it. aha

Andrea: Yeah def! If you're number's still the same, then I have it. haha

Stranger: Yeah. well. Beer is good for all ages. haha

Glenn: I know. who doesn't

Sinee : HI!:D

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dally Whack Your Snack Attack

So I just realized something. Well not just. But recently.

I use to think being 20 meant alot of things. when I was 10, i thought 18, let alone 20, as a age that you do adult things. cause all the 20 year olds look pretty busy and all. And now I'm 20, you can ask " do I feel like i did about being 20 back then?" The answer is no. I still feel 10. just a 10 year old with a decade more of experience.

Random Spills:

And the end of this holiday means I have one and a half sem of skateboarding left before I volunteer at mindef.
And NikeSB should go kill itself.

Adidas, on the other hand, has Mark Gonz and nice ads. So it should start importing some of its skate shoes to Singapore.

And School begins on monday.

And I have to draw 4 ailment inflicted characters but I dont know how to start.

And thats about it

Anyway, Farlock is always watching you

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Free Frag Day

Ok.i'm so sleepy. but I feel obliged to blog. so I wrote a poem. with random words. haha. go figure. above was some bust i had to sketch. from some guy with a hat and a big nose.

We all marched forth
into lands unknown to plunder

We all marched forth
To take all we can

We all marched forth
With blades a-gleam and hearts on fire

We all marched forth
to see it to the end

But alas it was not to be,
No now, or some lucky time
Like twenty past three

So what? you ask, May I be robbing
I know not, and hath no clue

But when I do find what I be seeking
I will, the first, to tell you.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Peant Butter Skateboading Day



so lets goooo skateboardingg.

Happy go skateboarding day in advance. HAHA.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gnar Bernana

So the posts are more sparse. Why? well. for a start. Its the holidays. and for seconds its the holidays. and. well you get the picture.

Anyway. 2 things today. both involved conversations. I just came back from my internship interview. It was rather alright. The guy was nice and all. But one question he asked stuck. He asked "whats my sport" so I said Skateboarding. Then he said " is there any other sports you do?" which, i think was the question, if the interview was based on how diplomatically you answered the question, I might fail at. Whyy? Because i'm not learning how to dribble a ball on a court. or how to pass my feathery shuttle back to the opponent. I'm learning how to defy gravity. How to , in extreme cases, jump from from the roof of one 5 storey building to the next. So yes. that is all I do -.- and that would be all I do for the rest of my life if I can help it. Pft.

So. On a less judgemental note, I've been taking alot of cabs. Like from none a month to 5 in the last 2 weeks. And despite how I suspect that I have a signage on my face which says "pls talk to me" when I enter the cab, conversation topics have seemed to change. Last time it use to be just finished school?, going home so late?, are you going to the mosque? (No, i am serious)
In the past 2 weeks, that has changed to no work tmr?,on the way to work? going home so late, so I assume you're off tmr? And and and. the best one. Talking to me, on a hot afternoon in the cab, about how an ideal thing to do in such blistering heat would be to sit in a bar. with an ice cold beer at the counter, with a hot lady bartender shaking her jiggly bits while mixing a drink. and how it could be done all day before going home. drinking and watching I mean.

And i'm kinda liking these conversations alot better then the old ones. Haha

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Maelstrom in the sky

So I dont know what to blog about, now i'll write a story instead. read it hard and read it good, and keep it in your head. Haha. /end/

It looked like a maelstrom, all glowy and green.
What it lacked in gravity, it made up in sin.
The world below watched and shuddered in its thunderous wrath
Not knowing where or when this came from, future or past

But one below the sordid mess,
felt not compelled to feel fear or scurry like the rest
it stood its ground, it looked above
It stared at the maelstrom with not hate, but love

The maelstrom was confused, it knew not why
This funny individual with its tear filled eyes.
it seemed to want to talk, it seemed to want to cry
The maelstrom understood not, and that made him want to sigh

No one knew what else happened that day.
Or how the maelstrom decided to go away
But that doe eyed individual that stood beneath
Was never seen again, like his existence had ceased.

What we can all learn from this large scaled event,
is that when a maelstrom comes.
run,and run, as fast as you can.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Everytime, once a year, my face blows up. For 3 days to 2 weeks. It is oily, messed up and. well, basically horrendously uncomfortable.

Yesterday, it begun. With an OD of caffeine, it has begun. And Daniel keeps peeking at my screen.

Time for the water detox.:S

Monday, June 8, 2009

Draw A Car, Jog A Dream

Haha. Well . School starts with an S. but so does secondary. and secondary school was fuuun.

but lets say school meant my current school. Well. I would say the term school is a place of enforced learning and boredom and work. annd. I dont recall ever going to any place like that where work was forced upon me. wait.whats work? haha.

Srooshdee? Is that Shameless Rooshdee? Hahaha. well. It is accepted. find. Slurooshdee is good company.

And Mr simen ? well during my time he was alright. so it dont matter to me. haha.

2 more days to school.2 more days to school.2 more days to school.